Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Intersection Between Heaven and Earth

The intersection between heaven and earth...we like to think of our world as vacuum sealed off from the impacts of heaven or the demonic for that matter.  We like to avoid thinking about it.  Some have thought too much on the demonic. But the intersection between the physical and the spiritual worlds has always been the same place.

I choose to see everything as spiritual instead of as nothing being spiritual as we are taught in our cluttered culture right now.  We think in the mechanical and see where it has gotten us.  It has brought us to a place where people are view as objects.

We "see through a glass darkly" Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13. That sums it up for me most days.  So I can miss the touch of the Divine in the everyday if I am not careful.  The smile of a friend, an encouraging word when it was really needed.

The intersection of heaven and earth is right on the corner of mercy and hope.  It is at a cross made of our wood that stood on a hill centuries ago between earth and sky.  It is found in an empty tomb and grave clothes that were just left laying there because they no longer had any function.  The intersection is in my heart and mind as I am open to the words of the Master. Today, I will be open to his call.

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