Monday, November 19, 2012

Warm Milk in the Middle of the Night?

Insomnia has taught me quiet a bit about life.  When you are wide awake in the middle of the night the world looks different. The darks are darker...and the lights are lighter...Thought processing is looser...more free form.

Years ago now I began first journaling then blogging as a way to turn a liability into a positive. If you are going to be awake when others are asleep at least make it productive time is the way that that thought process goes.  A bit later my middle of the night time became my time to spend talking with Jesus.  My current regime is get a cup of warm milk and go to the computer and begin to write and trust Jesus to speak through the process.  It has been a dialogue as long as I have practiced this.  Usually, I will pray through a passage of scripture sometimes I will just start writing and see where it leads...

Tonight as I was warming up the milk in the microwave the thought that all that Jesus is about to me?  A cup of warm milk in the middle of the night?  That is the world view of the majority of those who surround us.  Religion is the opiate of the masses? Come is just warm milk! The answer is yes and no at the same time.  Warm milk religion is not what I am about jangles my nerves a bit to even think this way.  But let's go with this a bit...

Is Jesus a part of what calms my anxiety...sure.  Next that all?  Not times my ongoing dialogue with him over warm milk is anxiety producing to a degree.  When is the last time you have been taken to the woodshed? For me at times it has been over a cup of warm milk in the middle of the  night when I have met with Jesus and talked through stupid stuff that just seems to come out of this child of Adam from time to time...

There are also those times when in the middle of the night the sense of wonder overwhelms me and the sense that this is a holy calling, a blessing being aware of the One who knows me better that I know myself.  There is the impression that this is a holy time when I can hear with my ears and see with the clearest perception that call of the One who bought me with His death on a tree...cursed as it was.

Warm milk in the middle of the night so that I can go back to sleep?  Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't and I greet the dawn blurry eyed and wishing that I was closer to normal.  But for the most part as I wait on and talk like a babbling little one...sense come out of it and a quietness settles in.  I can only be glad for a bit of insomnia and be open to God using the inconvenient to teach this heart of mine yet again.  Where else are the edges that I wish were different where you are waiting to talk with me, Jesus? Help me to hear...

 So it is just about 4 and the milk is is chilly here in late November on the coast of South Carolina...wonder who else is wondering when dawn breaks this time of year...about warm milk...about Jesus and his care for those willing to listen...

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